martes, 27 de enero de 2009
lunes, 26 de enero de 2009
domingo, 25 de enero de 2009
sábado, 24 de enero de 2009
viernes, 23 de enero de 2009
Mi Ángel irá contigo
Un ángel de la guarda es un espíritu que se cree que protege y dirige a una persona particular. La noción de “ángel de la guarda” y de su jerarquía fue desarrollado extensamente durante el siglo V AC. por Pseudo Dionisio Aeropagita.
La creencia ortodoxa contemporánea sostiene que los ángeles de la guarda protegen el cuerpo y elevan rezos a Dios, a la manera de intermediarios. El calendario de santos de la Iglesia Católica incluye un recordatorio a estos seres celestiales, celebrado el 2 de octubre.
Los cristianos creen que los ángeles de la guarda protegen cualquier persona o vivienda a pedido del propio Dios, sin embargo, la creencia de que Dios envía un espíritu para observar a cada individuo era común en la filosofía griega clásica; Platón se refiere a ella en el Fedón, 108. De manera similar, esta mención aparece en el Antiguo Testamento, aunque no se delinea con especificidad.
En el Libro de Daniel, los ángeles parecen ser asignados a ciertos países. Enoc 100:5 –parte de cuya escritura está inspirada en los documentos de la Iglesia Etíope Ortodoxa de Tewahedo– manifiesta que los hombres justos gozan de ángeles protectores. En Hechos 12:15 aparece otra alusión a tal creencia, mientras que en Mateo 18:10, Jesús explica que existen ángeles de la guarda que cuidan a los niños: Nunca los desdeñen; les digo que tienen sus ángeles de la guarda en el cielo, que miran continuamente al rostro divino de mi padre. (Nueva Biblia Inglesa.)
La oración habitual de los cristianos a su ángel de la guarda es la siguiente:
ángel de la guarda, mi dulce compañía, no me desampares ni de noche ni de día, hasta que descanse en los brazos, de Jesús, José y María.
Que cada alma individual tiene un ángel de la guarda nunca ha sido definido por la Iglesia, por lo tanto, no es un artículo de la fe. Sin embargo así se lo considera, tácitamente, tal como San Gerónimo expresó: cómo será de grande la dignidad del alma para que cada uno tenga desde su nacimiento un ángel de la guarda asignado por Dios.
La fe en la existencia de estos custodios se remonta a la Antigüedad: paganos como Plutarco y neoplatónicos como Plotino sostuvieron esta tesis. Era también la creencia de babilónicos y asirios, tal como sus monumentos atestiguan.
En la Biblia, esta doctrina es claramente perceptible y su desarrollo está textualmente expresado. En Génesis 28-29, los ángeles no sólo actúan como los ejecutores de la cólera de Dios sino que salvan a Lot del peligro; en Éxodo 12-13 un ángel es el líder designado para conducir a Israel, y en 32:34, Dios dice a Moisés: Mi ángel irá contigo.
martes, 20 de enero de 2009
Keane - Perfect Simmetry (Sub. Español)
I shake through the wreckage for signs of life
Scrolling through the paragraphs
Clicking through the photographs
Who are you? What are you living for?
Tooth for tooth, maybe we'll go one more
This life, is lived in perfect symmetry
What I do, that will be done to me
I wish I could make sense of what we do
Burning down the capitals
The wisest of the animals
Who are you?
What are you fighting for?
Holy truth? Brother I choose this mortal life
Lived in perfect symmetry
What I do, that will be done to me
As the needle slips into the run-out groove
Love - maybe you'll feel it too
And maybe you'll find life is unkind
And over so soon
There is no golden gate
There's no heaven waiting for you
Oh boy you ought to leave this town
Get out while you can the meter's running down
The voices in the streets you love
Everything is better when you hear that sound
Spineless, dreamers, worn-out phrases
Mile after, mile of just empty pages
Wrap yourself around me
Wrap yourself around me
As the needle slips into the run-out groove
Maybe I'll feel it too
Maybe you'll feel it too
I dream in emails (Maybe you'll feel it too)
worn out phrases (Maybe you'll feel it too)
Pieces of pieces of
rush hour buses
Keane - What a Wonderful World en español
I see trees of green,
red roses too
i see them bloom for me and you
and i think to myself what a wonderful world...
I see skies of blue
and clouds of white
the bright blessed day,
the dark sacred night
and i think to myself what a wonderful world...
The colors of the rainbow
so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people going by
i see friends shaking hands
saying how do you do
they're really saying "i love you"
I hear babies crying,
i watch them grow
they'll learn much more than i'll never know
and i think to myself
what a wonderful world...
yes, i think to myself
what a wonderful world...
Keane - On a Day Like Today (sub. español)
On a day like today
I looked at you and I
Saw something in the way
You stared into the sky
I saw you
Were sick and tired of my wrong turns
If you only knew
The way I feel I'd really love to tell you
But I
Could never seem to say
The things I needed to
On a day like today
No other words would do
I saw you
Were sick and tired of my wrong turns
If you only knew
The way I feel i'd really love to tell you
But I
Can never find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
And I don't know why
And I don't know why
And I don't know why
I saw you
Were sick and tired of my wrong turns
If you only knew the way I feel
I'd really love to tell you
But I
Can never find the words to say
And I don't know why
I can't find the words to say
And I don't know why
Keane - Thin Air (sub. español)
I can't keep up, you're
moving too fast,
Deep holes and darkness,
these things will pass.
Dark times and strange places where...
When I came to see you
you had nothing to say,
I stood right beside you,
you turned the other way,
I reached out to hold you
and found nobody there,
You turn into air.
Trust me, I want you
just as you are,
Don't change the things you do,
just stay as you are.
Dark turns and strange places where...
When I came to see you
you had nothing to say,
I stood right beside you,
you turned the other way,
I reached out to hold you
and found nobody there,
You turn into air.
Dark times and strange places where...
When I came to see you
you had nothing to say,
I stood right beside you,
you turned the other way,
I reached out to hold you
and found nobody there,
You turn into air...
domingo, 18 de enero de 2009
sábado, 17 de enero de 2009
Spiralling - Keane
I'm waiting
For my moment to come
I'm waiting
For the movie to begin
I'm waiting
For a revelation
I'm waiting for someone
To count me in
Cos now I only see my dreams
In everything I touch
Feel their cold hands on
Everything that I love
Cold like some
Magnificant skyline
Out of my reach
But always
In my eyeline now
We're tumbling down
We're spiralling
Tied up to the ground
We're spiralling
I fashioned you from jewels and stone
I made you
In the image of myself
I gave you
Everything you wanted
So you would never know
Anything else
But everytime
I reach for you
You slip
Through my fingers
Into cold sunlight
Laughing at the things
That I had planned
The map of my world gets
Smaller as I sit here
Pulling at the loose
Threads now
We're tumbling down
We're spiralling
Tied up to the ground
We're spiralling
When we fall in love
We're just falling
In love with ourselves
We're spiralling
Did you wanna be a winner?
Did you wanna be an icon?
Did you wanna be famous?
Did you wanna be the president?
Did you wanna start a war?
Did you wanna have a family?
Did you wanna be in love?
Did you wanna be in love?
I never saw the light
I never saw the light
I waited up all night
But I never saw the light
When we fall in love
We're just falling
In love with ourselves
We're spiralling
We're tumbling down
We're spiralling
Tied up to the ground
We're spiralling
domingo, 11 de enero de 2009
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009
A-ha. The Sun Always Shines on TV
Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
to me...
I Reached inside myself
And found nothing there
To ease the pressure off
My ever worried mind
All my powers waste away
I fear the crazed and lonely looks
The mirror's sending me
These Days
Touch me
How can it be
Believe me
The sun always shines on T.V
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
Please don't ask me to defend
The shamefull lowlands
Of the way I'm drifting
Gloomily through time
(Touch me)
I reached inside myself today
(Give all your love)
Thinking there's got to be some way
To keep the troubles distant
Hold me
Close to your heart
Touch me
And give all your love to me
A-ha. The Weight of the Wind
Your face looked new against the town
Youve come to lose some memories
Like you Ive come to touch new grounds
You want to lose
The weight of the wind
Rests hard on your shoulders
Bringing you down
The one that you love
Will never be find
You speak into the falling rain
Words youd lost, but found again
You see their snakey arms entwined
So clear and cruel
In your jealous mind
Youve got to lose
The weight of the wind
Hard on your shoulders
Getting you down
The one that you love
Will never be found
A-ha - Did Anyone Approach You
You never look up
You never look back
You never say anything based on fact
You've got issues going way back
You never say 'hi'
You never say much
You never make an effort to stay in touch
I've got this feeling something happened here
Something happened here
Did anybody feel you?
Did anybody deal you?
Did anybody make you do some things now?
Did anyone approach you?
Did anybody coach you?
Did anybody tell you what to say now?
Hopeless - it's not hopeless
Doubtful - but not hopeless at all
You never looked up
You never look back
You never did anything in between
Are things black and white with you
You never believed
You never belonged
Never made milestones to call your own
I've got this feeling something happened here
Something happened here
Did anybody hide you?
Did anybody fight you?
Did anyone decide to do some harm now?
Did anybody read you?
Did anybody bleed you?
Did anybody feed you lots of junk now?
Hopeless - it's not hopeless
Doubtful - but not hopeless
Hopeless - it's not hopeless
Doubtful - but not hopeless at all
Hopeless - it's not hopeless
Doubtful - but not hopeless at all
Something happened here
Something happened here
martes, 6 de enero de 2009
lunes, 5 de enero de 2009
Recordando a una persona muy especial (mi abuelito Pepe)

MARTA CASQUET. 05.01.2009
Érase una vez una niña que pedía a los Reyes Magos muchos juguetes. Y su madre le decía que no debía pedir tantas cosas pues hay muchos niños pobres en el mundo: “Pide sólo tres juguetes” le dijo. La niña lo pensó y así lo hizo. Pero los Reyes le trajeron muchos juguetes. Entonces la niña escogió tres y llevó los demás juguetes a la ONG de los Reyes Magos. Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar se alegraron mucho y le pidieron que enviara este cuento a muchos niños y así podrían reflexionar sobre esto.
sábado, 3 de enero de 2009
Miranda Warning - Si empieza a llover
El invierno cambia la cara en la ciudad. El calor
queda a este lado del cristal.
Ven, si empieza a llover, sonreiré. Si
empieza a llover. Me parece pensarlo que te veo ya
con el pelo mojado quieto en el umbral.
[Más Letras en]
Ven si empieza a llover, sonreiré. Si
empieza a llover. Sabes que te esperaré,
desde aquí veremos la lluvia caer. Ven si
empieza a llover, sonreiré. Si empieza a
llover. Sabes que te esperaré, desde
aquí veremos la lluvia caer. Si empieza a
llover, sonreiré. Si empieza a llover,
sabes que te esperaré. Hace frío en
la calle, solo espero que no tardes, desde
aquí veremos la lluvia caer.