Astrological Guide for Personal Growth
María Cs
Friday, May 04, 1973
11:15:00 AM
Madrid, Spain
Moon in Gemini
You identify yourself as an intellectual, intelligent, versatile, communicative and restless woman. You can blossom in any area because you learn quickly and adapt easily to change. You find yourself attracted to literary activities and those related to communications. Your mind changes frequently and, at times, chaotically, due to the number of thoughts you have simultaneously. You must learn to be more discriminating in your ideas and choices and act with more clarity. You need to avoid self deceit.
Nothing exists that is more foreign to your feminine identity than domestic life. The classic role of a housewife was not created for you (except as otherwise indicated throughout this report); you will prefer activities outside the home and you will probably be involved in more than one occupation at a time.
Your emotions are rapid, changeable and not very lasting. Your mind is the filter through which your feelings sift and that could make you somewhat unemotional, unattached or distant. You must learn to express your emotions not only with words. The search for emotional satisfaction can lead you into having several very fleeting fantasies or relationships. You become bored with people easily and with static or routine relationships. Your curious mind craves surprise, novelty and intelligent responses in others, something that does not always occur. Due to your impatience, many times you cut off a relationship before sufficient time has elapsed to know each other.
It is probable that your mother does not display her affection to any extent. Her role is versatile and unstable, which could confuse you. It is necessary that you maintain good communication with her, avoiding friction and rivalry. You inherit from her intelligence, the capacity for adaptation to change, and the emotional detachment.
As a mother you will be very communicative and a companion to your children. You will share with them ideas, studies and opinions, and also a few friends. They will observe that you perform several roles within the household and you will always be able to answer their questions.
During previous lives you have had many journeys. Your present occupation involves transporting news, documents or messages from town to town, which has generated an immense curiosity and restlessness in you. You were not used to having a stable home, or a family or other obligations that would keep you in one place; consequently, now it is difficult for you to find emotional stability as much as you desire it.
Moon in 11th house
Your feminine identity is largely manifested though your social life. You value the friendships you have and you give yourself wholly to them. In exchange, you receive the affection and contentment that you look for. You will have very important and loyal female friends who will remain by your side for life, but due to your idealistic and romantic nature, you can also be deceived by false friends. The relationship with your mother can be very positive and, even if there are differences between the two of you, it is probable that you become good friends.
María , you have the ability to blossom in group activities. You can coordinate, direct or simply participate in them and find satisfaction.
In addition, you must learn to be more persistent with your goals and not change so easily. Your moods will influence strongly your capacity to persevere. You must be more analytical and objective at the time of making your decisions.
Moon trine or sextile Jupiter orb 5° 25'
You are jovial, optimistic, happy and curious. You possess a great sense of humor and you are positive in any situation. You are popular because of your friendly, generous and enthusiastic attitude. You tend to view life with joy and you do not let problems defeat you.
You are happy to be a woman and you will fulfill each role that you occupy in life enthusiastically and authentically. It is probable that you are too optimistic and that you overlook many details that later become complications; nevertheless, you will always have a touch of luck ensuring success.
Your mother was protective, loving and positive towards you, and because of that, today you are secure and wise. You will be very happy fulfilling your maternal role and you will share many games and fun moments with your children.
This same astrological configuration makes you likely to travel to foreign lands, to develop a strong spirituality and to have a philosophical attitude towards life.
Moon opposition or square Neptune orb 1° 3'
You are an extremely sensitive and romantic dreamer. The lack of practicality and realism leads you to fantasize excessively, and you are easily deceived. You are afraid of suffering and you evade conflicts, which make you fearful and insecure.
You are very receptive of everything that occurs around you and you can charge yourself with negative energy when you witness fights or anguishing situations.
The relationship with your mother was confusing and partially undefined. You inherit from her your psychic abilities as well as a few phobias and fears. She probably was insecure and very dependent which influenced you and led you to repeat the same pattern in your life. You can be fearful of your own femininity, of the possibility of motherhood, or of romantic failure. You must avoid psychic experiences because they will generate obsessions or fears.
Emotional anguish tends to affect your health creating psychosomatic problems difficult to diagnose. You must avoid severe treatments without consulting first with one or more specialists. Your symptoms will be confusing and, because of that, there can be diagnostic error. Avoid self-medication, drugs and other intoxicants.
Moon trine or sextile Pluto orb 3° 33'
You are dynamic, strong and decisive. You feel very sure of being a woman and you demonstrate great authority wherever you are. You can lead groups or work in places where you benefit people. You will help to produce change and by example you will teach other women how to achieve more important social positions.
Your emotions are deep and intense, and you give yourself totally to your feelings; because of that, you reject superficial and fleeting relationships. You tend to impose yourself in a subtle and warm manner. You are protective and you feel you have the necessary strength to help anyone in need. You can recover completely from any emotional crisis you go through.
Your mother has demonstrated much authority and dedication to her home and from her you have learned to act in a similar manner. In spite of the strong character that each has, you will respect and help each other. You will transmit much emotional security to your children.
Ascendant in Cancer
People see you as a home-loving, tender and somewhat timid woman. You act in a soft and warm manner, and avoid violent or aggressive situations. Your gentleness demonstrates the sensitivity of your spirit.
You show a great fondness towards your family and also towards your friends, which will probably be the ones from your childhood. You are very protective and have a very developed maternal instinct which makes you care for everyone. You are always willing to help and frequently suffer more because of the problems of others than because of your own. Due to your great sensitivity you can find yourself easily hurt and, if your solar sign does not impart additional security, then you will tend towards loneliness and melancholy.
Your physical and emotional sides are intimately linked and the majority of your health problems are of psychosomatic origin. You must monitor your nutrition and it is recommended that you maintain a macrobiotic type of diet to facilitate the digestive process.
During your childhood you lived through unstable situations and a few changes of address. Your mother's authority and dedication influenced you noticeably. Many childhood memories remain and they can affect you for both good and bad. It is important that you do some visualization exercises that will allow you to connect with your inner child to heal the wounds that are still open, especially if your home has not been a serene one.
Leo on 2nd house cusp
Throughout your life you may reach important positions at jobs that allow you to have a very good income. You will occupy a top hierarchical or important position in an outstanding institution or enterprise. You will also have large expenses because you enjoy living well and indulge in certain luxuries.
Also, the possibility exists of earning money in speculative deals, risky ventures, gambling, and also work related to education, art or entertainment.